Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Spread the Love Award

In the same token, I would like to spread Love to Everybody too! Please friends, have one from Me. Thank You.

A new award I picked up from VK-Mahal Kaayo.

In our language, Mahal Kaayo means "very expensive."

VK has a very interesting blog. She posts lots of pictures from Germany with interesting stories to go by. Very amusing and entertaining lady. I'll never get bored by her antics.


  1. Woooot.. congrats.... maybe you should have your own make up artist closeby. The Awards alone going to keep you very busy..;)


    ps.. strange feelings of deja vu hitting us especially in a foreign country, isn't it?

  2. Oh...should I? Yes, busy indeed! Thanks for coming Silver. Please visit my Random because there are websites there I posted that offer background image html that you may like. No downloading necessary. Just copy and paste the code.


Thank You is a simple Hello! Hugs from over the miles.