Monday, August 31, 2009

Awards from James of Newton Area Photo

I have been irregular with my blogging due to some unforeseen commitments. Today I tried to sneak in to find that I received these surprised Awards from James of Newton Area Photo.

If only I can give my playful kittens an Award, that would be good. I mean, they are adorable but they won't leave me alone now. They must be bored.

Thank you very much James. I am still busy at the moment, I'll take my time to spread these around to cheer up some of our fellow bloggers.

In restrospect, James got these two cute Awards from his good friend Thom. I'll add Thom's link later because the downloading is playing up.

There are blogs that I find amusing and entertaining. So this Award will be passed to:

* Al

* Gattina

* Pam

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Spring Awards from Happily Retired Gal

From Happily Retired Gal I picked up from

Thank you Ma'am. I will treasure this gifts from your heart. How sweet!

Hugs and blessings.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Another Lovely Blog Award from Cherie

Cherie has cheerily passed this Award to me. I feel so honoured by this thoughtful token. Many thanks Cherie. I'll pass this around in no time.


I would like to pass this award to the following cheery bloggers:

* Cheryl

* Betsy of Tennessee

* Luna Miranda

* Willa

* Louise

* Ann

* Sandy

* AL

A Cupcake for a Deer Award from Cherie


An Award being a member of the Blog Roll. How sweet - the cupcake. The deer is surely tempted. :)

Thank you Cherie Pie.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Spread the Love Award

In the same token, I would like to spread Love to Everybody too! Please friends, have one from Me. Thank You.

A new award I picked up from VK-Mahal Kaayo.

In our language, Mahal Kaayo means "very expensive."

VK has a very interesting blog. She posts lots of pictures from Germany with interesting stories to go by. Very amusing and entertaining lady. I'll never get bored by her antics.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lovely Blog Award From Rosidah and Silver

First from Rosidah

I voluntarily picked this up from Rosidah, Music of My Life.. I know she meant well with her personal policy and philosophy as she is a well-meaning person. If you read her blog, you will understand why.

Here are the rules that MUST be followed:

1. Add the logo to your blog.
2. Link to the person from whom you received this award
3. Nominate 7 or more blogs
4. Leave a message on their blog,letting them know they are "One Lovely Blog"!

So here are 7 ingredients, which I love to see in a blog:

1. A lovely host or in other words a good friend
2. Lovely art (candles or other crafts)
3. Lovely communities offering lovely friendship
4. Lovely memes
5. Lovely photography
6. Lovely quizzes or tips
7. Lovely quotes or inspirational thoughts

Second from Silver

This is my second Award from Silver, being she also conferred me the Bella Sinclair Award. Thanks for your sweet kindness Silver.

Thank You Rosidah and Silver from the bottom of my heart. This is truly a magnificent honour for me. My appreciation to you both.

Now it's time to pass the Bucket.

Ready People!
