Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nemo's Award from Lois and Pam

Fostering Friendship Through Blogging
Neno Award: Story

The Neno Award is given to those who love blogging, love to encourage friendships through blogging, and who help others seek the reasons why we all love blogging.


Lois of Tallahassee Daily Photo has passed down this cute award to me. Lois' photographic blog is always up to date with daily fresh pictures of different interesting subjects. A big Thank You to you Lois.
Here are the rules:

  • Upload the image in your post
  • Mention the person who gave you the award with his/her blog link
  • Nominate 5 blogs of choice with blog name and link
  • Leave comment on the recipients' posts to let them know

The following nominees to receive this blog are:

These friends are among the many who inspire me to keep going with my blogging. In the beginning, I thought my blogging was just my outlet for loneliness when there's nothing else to do. So I tried playing charade in the blogworld. That has changed after getting some encouragement from them through their earnest comment.

To show my appreciation, I therefore confer to them this Neno Award as originated from Cheryl of NOSTALGIA:Today and Yesterday.

Grateful thanks to you Lois.

Another kind blog host also conferred me this Award in the person of Pam who owns Southern Journeys, and posted her notice in my Appreciation Award blog. So sweet of you Ma'am. Thank You very much.:)



  1. It's really cute. Thank you Bonnie.

  2. My pleasure Regina. Just a token of my appreciation for your kind friendship.

  3. Bonnie it's already displayed.

  4. Thank you, Bonnie. Over the past month or so I have received a couple of awards but have been unable to get them over into my journal. The person I know who usually helps me through the briar patch to get them is out of town, frolicking on a beach somewhere.


  5. Thanks Bonnie! You are always so sweet!

  6. Thanks, Bonnie-friends like you are what make this all worthwhile. There is something in me that won't let myself receive any praise or recognition very well, but I post it in my heart and remember the gift always. ~rick


Thank You is a simple Hello! Hugs from over the miles.